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Property Taxes

Tax Rate Details
Get full details on this year’s tax rates and how they pertain to you.

Bylaw 614-23, 2024 Tax Rate: VIEW/DOWNLOAD 

Tax Penalty
Taxes left unpaid by the payment deadline are subject to a 6% penalty.

Bylaw 615-23, 2024 Tax Penalty: VIEW/DOWNLOAD

Understanding your Tax Notice

Learn more about your tax notice and how the breakdown works. 
View the tax breakdown here.

Small Business Property Tax Rate

Bylaw 515-18 divides Assessment Class 2, Non-Residential into sub-classes.
The subclasses in Class 2 are:

  1. Vacant non-residential property;
  2. Small business property;
  3. Other non-residential property.

The Small Business Property sub-class intends to provide property owners who paid a non-residential property tax levy in the previous year an opportunity to qualify for a reduced property tax in the current year.

The refund rate for the Small Business Property Tax Rate for 2024 is 1.4426 per $1,000 of assessment, which is an 11.3% reduction from the non-residential tax rate.

Property owners who operate a business or have businesses leasing their property with less than 50 full-time employees in Canada apply for a reduced property tax rate. If the business qualifies for the reduced rate, a refund will be forwarded by cheque in July. 

In future years, the mill rate reduction will be applied to the annual tax notice for those businesses that qualify.

Each application is reviewed before approval of the Small Business Property Tax Rate.

The 2024 application deadline is extended to Sunday, June 30, 2024.

Download the application here: 2024 Small Business Property Tax Application

TAX Installment Payment Plan (TIPP)
The TIPP Program allows a ratepayer to break their annual tax payment into equal monthly installments to make budgeting for monthly expenses easier.


In accordance with the Municipal Government Act, payments will be considered paid on time if received at the County Office by 4:30p.m.; postmarked by Canada Post; or processed by a financial institution on or before the due date. 

If a Canada Post postmark is absent or illegible, the date received by Woodlands County will be considered the payment date. Commercial postage meter imprints will NOT be honored.

  • Municipal taxes for Woodlands County are levied at the end of May and are due June 30 of each year. These taxes are for the year running from January 1 to December 31.
  • Municipal taxes calculated by taking the current assessment of a property and multiplying it by the mill rate and dividing by 1000 = tax dollars due. (example assessment of 100,000 X 10.5356 mill rate/1000 = $1053.56 tax dollars.
  • The County places penalties on unpaid tax balances twice per year, on July 1 and September 1 at a rate of 6 per cent.
  • Your municipal taxes may be paid at either County office in Whitecourt or Fort Assiniboine by means of cash, cheque or Interact. The County does accept post dated cheques for June 30. Municipal taxes may also be paid at your local bank as long as you provide the bank with the portion of your tax notice that has the tracking number for the County’s bank account. If you choose to mail your tax payment, please ensure that it has been post marked prior to June 30 due date.
  • Woodlands County has a Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) in effect that enable ratepayers to make twelve monthly installments for property taxes rather than one annual payment.

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