We want to work with you!
Woodlands County offers a variety of employment opportunities throughout the year.
Current Postings
- Part-Time Census Coordinator, Temporary - Whitecourt (Open until Filled)
- Part-Time Accounting Clerk, Permanent - Whitecourt (Open until Filled)
- Lead Utilities Technician, Permanent (Open until Filled)
- Equipment Operators, Temporary - Whitecourt and Fort Assiniboine (Closes: Friday, February 14)
- Director, Corporate Services, Permanent - Whitecourt (Open until Filled)
- Legislative Services & Communications Coordinator, Temporary (1-Year Term) - Whitecourt (Open until Filled)
- Capital Projects Coordinator, Permanent - Whitecourt (Closes: Wednesday, February 26)
Volunteer Fire Department
Woodlands County is home to four (4) volunteer fire departments and actively seeks new members to join its teams.
Download an Application form.
Who can become a firefighter?
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and hold a valid Class 5 Alberta Driver’s License.
They should be physically fit and live within Woodlands County near the fire department they wish to join.
Applications are reviewed by the appropriate fire chief and review committee.
There is also a Junior Firefighter position for individuals between the ages of 16-18.
How much time is involved?
Each department has regular training or practice nights starting at approximately 7:00 p.m. and ending at 9:00 p.m.
There may be occasional weekend department-organized practices as well. All volunteer members are expected to attend as many of the training sessions as possible.
Contact your local Fire Chief or the Woodlands County Protective Services Manager for more information.
Do volunteer firefighters receive pay and benefits?
Woodlands County volunteer firefighters do get paid for incident response plus mileage compensation when responding in their personal vehicle.
Wages and mileage compensation will be detailed as part of orientation.
Although the fire service has a good safety record, firefighters are covered by a comprehensive insurance policy and WCB. Protective clothing and uniforms are supplied, and each member is issued a radio.
If I have no training or experience, can I still apply?
Each recruit is provided with a basic training course within the first year of joining a department.
It is not necessary to have any prior training or experience; however, completion of a standard first aid course, or any other related training, would be beneficial.
What other training is provided?
Training is a priority for all of our firefighters.
The County follows the 1001 NFPA standard for the professional certification of firefighters as a bar to reach for. As a result, regional courses are hosted throughout the County that are coordinated through Fire Etc. Only certified Fire Etc. instructors are used for these courses.
The courses are usually held on two consecutive weekends and involve a theory and practical portion. A certified proctor, recognized by Fire Etc., administers the written and practical examinations at the host department.
Certification and marks are usually received from Fire Etc. 2 to 3 weeks after the examination has been written. The minimum training levels for all departments are S100, S300 and flagging. For more information on the Fire Etc. 1001 firefighting training, please visit the Fire Etc. website.