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Agriculture Service Board


Woodlands County Agriculture Services Board (ASB) promotes diverse and innovative agriculture by providing agricultural programs and services that are valued by the agricultural industry and rural residents within the municipality.


We are a leading-edge ASB supporting the rural community, ratepayers and families of Woodlands County.  We promote agriculture by making sound decisions and providing education and service with friendly, helpful and knowledgeable staff.  We advise the local agricultural community of modern farming practices, thereby increasing production and profitability and further enhancing farming as a way of life in the area.

The Alberta Agriculture Service Board Act provides for the establishment and operation of Agricultural Service Boards throughout the province. 

It provides a province-wide infrastructure for the delivery of:

  • weed control, 
  • disease control, 
  • pest control, and 
  • soil and water conservation programs. 

It also provides for financial incentives and technical assistance to enable the administration of provincial acts and resulting programs at the municipal level.

Agriculture Services Boards act as advisory bodies to assist the council and the Minister, in matters of mutual concern. They are unique to Alberta and were first established by Alberta Agriculture in 1945 to provide a local authority over problems relating to weed infestation and soil erosion.